Hi, I'm Courtney

I'm a community college mathematics professor and self-taught web developer.

a photo of Courtney

Here are some of my projects

Pizza Logo

Pizza Calculator

A calculator to compare pizzas, using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.


Product Page

A responsive page designed for a fake(?) product.

Node JS Logo

Flight Reservation Page

A reservation page for a fictional airline, using Bootstrap, Node.js, and Nunjucks.js template engine.

SQL Logo

Speeding Ticket Database Program

A Python program that allows users to display ticket information from a database, and enter information for a new ticket to be stored in the database.

Angular JS Logo

Studen Grades App

A single-page app that allows the user to search for a student in a database, add a new student, and update exam grades for a student. The app uses Angular.js, MongoDB, and Bootstrap.

Python Logo

Python Contact List

A Python Program that allows the user to create a contact and view all contacts. A Pickle file is used to save the contact list between sessions.

SQL Logo

Trip Database Application

A web application using Bottle.py that allows the user to log in, add trip information to a database, and view all trips.

Python Logo

Shipping Calcualtor

A GUI program to calculate shipping cost, using wxpython.



A responsive website for the Kentucky Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges, created using HTML and CSS.